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От: Жен@кТема: о да
Чиксы в Питере
Tue Jun 29 10:24:55 2004

От: KIdТема:
Tue Jun 29 15:22:49 2004

От: АндрейТема:
Привет! Незнаю к сожелению, как тебя зовут. Скажу проще симпатичная девченка,
давай объщяться. Если появилось желание пообщяться кинь письмецо на мыло, где и как тебя можно найти.
Wed Jun 30 01:43:02 2004

От: АндрейТема: Чуви
А чикса то не настоящая!
Fri Jul 2 01:08:36 2004

От: ВОВАТема:
Fri Jul 2 13:39:16 2004

От: to АндрейТема:
а че эт не настоящая то???
Fri Jul 2 14:43:28 2004

От: to ВОВАТема:
не мы такие-жизнь такая!!!! денег нет, предков нет, как жить то??? а???
Fri Jul 2 14:44:37 2004

От: Roman03Тема: Привет!
Оооооооотличная фотография! Даже заикаться начал!!!:)
С размещеньецем!
С наилучшими пожеланиями Роман! (5)
Sat Jul 3 12:58:50 2004

От: DiGТема:
Скажи ты бываешь в Казани???
Tue Jul 6 12:23:14 2004

От: то DiGТема:
я живу в казани ваще то! просто фотки питерские!!!
Wed Jul 7 08:29:38 2004

От: то Roman03Тема:
Ой это ты мне пять поставил??? вот спасибо! как нибудь сочтемся!!!!!
Wed Jul 7 08:30:52 2004

От: DiGТема:
Можно узнать твой эл.адрес???
Wed Jul 7 10:54:36 2004

От: to DiGТема:
у меня нет эл почты
Wed Jul 7 15:16:17 2004

От: KAAТема: я поражен красотой
хотелось бы пообщаться в реале...
Wed Jul 7 16:29:36 2004

От: АндрейТема: Чуви
А мне так кажется..это не в казани и не в москве..может питер?
Thu Jul 8 00:11:01 2004

От: то АндрейТема:
это питер...никто и не отрицает...щас в казани живу, че тут странного?
Thu Jul 8 10:55:56 2004

От: DiGТема:
Неумело врешь:)
Для того, чтобы зарегистрировать анкету просто необходим эл. ящик , на него высылают пароль:):)
Thu Jul 8 12:56:01 2004

От: то DiGТема:
я просто в строке эл ящик указала символ @ и прокатило...а пароль я и не знаю свой, зачем он????
Thu Jul 8 13:21:40 2004

От: DiGТема:
А за тем, что можно написать все что хочешь, и приятное и не очень.
Убрать без пароля ты это не сможешь:)
Хочешь познакомимся в реале в таком случае?
Thu Jul 8 15:37:19 2004

От: DiGТема:
А за тем, что можно написать все что хочешь, и приятное и не очень.
Убрать без пароля ты это не сможешь:)
Хочешь познакомимся в реале в таком случае?
Thu Jul 8 15:39:39 2004

От: то DiGТема:
я работаю...некогда мне....на восстания ищи меня около полуночи....
Thu Jul 8 15:50:38 2004

От: DiGТема:
Видимо это не ты отвечаешь, как будешь on-line дай знать, ок?
Thu Jul 8 17:12:29 2004

От: to digТема:
это я отвечаю! кто ж еще?
Thu Jul 8 17:13:32 2004

От: to digТема:
айда седня в 22.00 сюда заходи, побеседуем, только без опозданий!!!!!
Thu Jul 8 17:17:59 2004

От: to DiGТема:
ты где? не разочаровывай меня....
Thu Jul 8 22:10:51 2004

От: eugenТема:
Вот так всегда с красивыми девушками, поматросят мужиков и потом бросят.
Выходи почаще на связь.
Sat Jul 10 11:26:24 2004

От: 2 eugenТема:
завтра в 22.00 буду здесь.....
Mon Jul 12 01:19:23 2004

От: АняТема: р
Mon Jul 12 22:41:56 2004

От: EugenТема:
Всё договорились, 13,07,04,
в 22.00, общаемся.
Mon Jul 12 23:21:16 2004

От: EugenТема:
Если ты здесь, то привет!
Tue Jul 13 21:52:23 2004

От: ЧиксаТема:
Tue Jul 13 22:04:14 2004

От: EugenТема:
Мне не привидилось.
Tue Jul 13 22:09:53 2004

От: ЧиксаТема:
ну ты общительный!!! все...обиделась я!!!!
Tue Jul 13 22:10:53 2004

От: EugenТема:
Да ладно обижаться.Ты сейчас где находишься на самом деле в Казани или в Питере.Если в Казани то поточнее место, я приеду.
Tue Jul 13 22:16:18 2004

От: EugenТема:
Ладно уж по пустякам обижаться, извини коль что не так, выходи на связь.
Tue Jul 13 22:25:18 2004

От: DiGТема:
Странно и что это ты больше неотвечаешь???
Thu Jul 15 14:21:59 2004

От: ЧиксаТема:
ты мне очень нравишься DiG:)
Thu Jul 15 14:23:53 2004

От: Жен@кТема:
я тут сморю под фотками красавиц уже онлайн-дискуссии начались:) а можно тоже поучаствовать?
Mon Jul 19 07:50:09 2004

От: 2 Жен@кТема:
Ну давай....участвуй......во ск-ко встречу забиваешь?
Mon Jul 19 09:23:59 2004

От: СветланаТема:
Какая милая девушка! Надеюсь внутри такая же. как и снаружи..
Mon Jul 19 13:25:07 2004

От: 2 СветланаТема:
не...я не милая...я стерва
Tue Jul 20 19:56:22 2004

От: SETTТема:
Привет!!! 5 тебе! заходи в гости!!! Напиши мне и мы с тобой обязательно увидимся! такое чувство что мы с тобой уже знакомы!!!! Заходи посмотри может и ты это признаешь....;)
Wed Jul 21 10:42:24 2004

От: SETTТема:
Привет!!! 5 тебе! заходи в гости!!! Напиши мне и мы с тобой обязательно увидимся! такое чувство что мы с тобой уже знакомы!!!! Заходи посмотри может и ты это признаешь....;)
Wed Jul 21 10:44:03 2004

От: SETTТема:
Wed Jul 21 10:46:11 2004

От: марат абыйТема:
матур, чибяр, зря минеке тугел син
Sat Jul 24 12:36:59 2004

От: 2 марат абыйТема:
Эй матур малай! Айда кюрябез!!!
Sun Jul 25 05:00:13 2004

От: SETTТема:
привет еще раз! куда пропала? не отвечаешь...жаль...давай как нить встретимся!ок? хоть в реале хоть в виртуале!;)
Mon Jul 26 11:41:05 2004

От: 2 SETTТема:
вай сегодня заходи сюда в 22.00! Побазарим!!!
Mon Jul 26 17:09:20 2004

От: малайТема:
Thu Jul 29 18:16:52 2004

От: шел мимоТема:
такс....победительница шоу "ты -супермодель"....фото Оли.
Wed Aug 4 02:05:16 2004

От: 2 шел мимоТема:
это фото Ксении а не Оли!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ДИБИЛ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wed Aug 4 11:03:22 2004

От: ,,,,,,,Тема:
видимо своего фото нет,либо жутко страшное.......2-ой вариант вероятнее.....
Thu Aug 5 00:55:07 2004

От: SETTТема:
Привет еще раз! куда пропала? пришли свои координаты....sett@inbox.ru ок?;)
Fri Aug 20 01:16:50 2004

От: Alexei-the sexy one:)Тема: Cute Girls
privet Chick, kak dela? Kak tebya po pravde zovyt? Mne tvoya fotka ochen ponravilas!!! Vidno chto ochen krassivaya devyshka po nature:) esli hochesh poboltat prover mou stranichky i napishi, a potom pogovorim!!! @_@
Thu Sep 2 02:25:44 2004

От: БазявчикТема:
Девушка вы очень и очень ... Вот только ник я думаю неподходящий подобран ...
Thu Sep 2 12:30:28 2004

От: EvgeshkaТема: )
....ага)шоу ты супер модель..хотя тут ее лицо чуточку другое)
Sat Sep 11 13:28:31 2004

От: АртурТема:
Как Вас зовут, уважаемая чикса?
Thu Jan 6 00:47:44 2005

От: AykutТема: Share
Hello My Dear Friend
Actually , I don't know how I will start my letter , if I have disturbed you Really I am sorry very much. I don't love to distureb humans. Therefore I am sorry very much again.
If you want that you can't read my letter but if you want to decide to read and allow me , I want to tell about myself.
My name is Aykut. I am form Turkey. I live in Ankara in Turkey. I a 32 years old and I am 180 cm and average. I am a Electronic Technician but my job is programmer on computer about Telecommunication. I work in General Staff President but I a not soldier . I am only civil official.
I have 2 sisters but I haven't any brothers. I am a social and active human.
You know , everybody has dreams of course I have dreams too and I have been to trying succesful my dreams. I have 2 lifes. My first life is this world and my second life is for the world which after die. I have been to trying live for 2 worlds.
Our world is so beautiful but we don't know worth of our world enough. We dirty our world with our hands. Because Humans don't love each other enough. The love is very holy for me and I live this love in my heart. Love isn't only love humans. To love animals , to love natural , to love flower . To love everything for only the high God .
Look your around Please , Can you see humans who is really happy in their relations or family ? There are humans who is really happy a little.
All right , Have you any think so that why humans are unhappy about love ?
Because ;
It isn't very difficult to live real love in this time. I see humans who they live relation and later they leave from their relations and later they beging new relation again with another humans ( she / he ).
and , and , and it is going continuouse so , but where will it goes continuouse so ?
In my opinions , Humans don't know if they really love or not and they think that they love but they deceive theirself.
Love is very holy. It isn't too easy to live reall love .The Love wants sacrifice in a relation. But when it has a problem between in a relation humans prefer leave to war.It is very easy to prefer easy way , but even if humans have very problems in a relation , in spite of it is all hard and difficult ,really loving humans must war for their love.If a humans prefer finish a relation then his / her love is evry empty and not fact.
Before everything , Humans must be respectful theirself. Here it is then they become honest and respectfully opposite the another humans .Therefore if humans haven't any respectful and trust opposite their love . Humans never have anything ( providing that ) what they want in their life.
My dear friend , I want to explain you that ;
My real goal is get marriege with right girl but it isn't very difficult to find right life friend in this time but we never leave our expect and we must always war for our dreams therefore I have been to waring for my dreams.I want wonderful family. I want to be wonderful husband . I want to be wonderful father.But humans so say lie I am afraid and sometimes I can't trust girls.
If humans really want to set up happy family then they have to be honest , faithful, honourable , respectful and hot heart. Humans who say lie never become successful and find happiness in their life until die.
When I saw your picture on the site I liked you too much. You are so cute and sweet maybe you have boy friend or you are engaged. But I don't know your characters therefore I decided to write this letter to you. Maybe you will want to know me better or not but if your heart is empty and if we give a luck I think we can know better each other
Of course I don't know if you want a Turk guy for marriage or not. Maybe our cultures can be different but All humans are same and to be importand is characters.
My dear friend , I want to lengthen my hands to you. If you accept to hold my hands then we will have been first step together for our relation. But firt we must be honest , open and trust friend opposite each other. If we say lie each other then We will have been deceived each other. And we never find real love and right life partner.
If you don't want me , say me to be open and honest so that No Aykut , I don't want you .
It isn't become beautly with force. Im a intelligent a human. I liked you but you don't have to like me.
Everybody has flower in their heart. It is importand to take out this flower who is in the heart.
Love is very holy but we never know worth this love.
Life is share . All beauties live with share but we are afraid to share our life.
Characters explain us but we always secret real characters.
Our characters , our love , our opinions is us
But we never become honest and open opposite the humans
To be last ,the humans who have respectful theirself , Never become succesful in their life and always lose about every subject during their life
I don't know what can I write else . I have tried to explain my opinions to you .
Please think and decide very good .This is your life and I don't want you become unhappy in your life.
But ;
if you are not the girl who is on the picture , if you aren't honest,trust,faithful,honourable , if you want rich men and if you don't believe the high God ;
Please , Never write me .
Because I want relation how is honest , respectful, faithful,honourable and romantic.

This is a well-known fact ;
Humans who give worth and value the money and lux life have never love in their life and
The Winner is always love whether you accept me or not
Let's come we live all beauties together
Let's come we share all feels to be honest,trust and faithful
Let's come we fly on ski with all dreams together
Let's come wonderful family after we know each other better.
If we can success to love very strongly each other ,
Here it is then , your heart will be in my heart until die.

I have tried to explain all my opinions to you
And now
Decide belong you

Consider and give a decide very good .

If your answer yes ;

Can you send your real pictures ?

My direct mail address : trueshare@hotmail.com

Take care of yourself
All beauties become with you
The High God always become near you
Best wishes

Mon Jan 31 01:19:49 2005

От: AykutТема: Share
Hello My Dear Friend
Actually , I don't know how I will start my letter , if I have disturbed you Really I am sorry very much. I don't love to distureb humans. Therefore I am sorry very much again.
If you want that you can't read my letter but if you want to decide to read and allow me , I want to tell about myself.
My name is Aykut. I am form Turkey. I live in Ankara in Turkey. I a 32 years old and I am 180 cm and average. I am a Electronic Technician but my job is programmer on computer about Telecommunication. I work in General Staff President but I a not soldier . I am only civil official.
I have 2 sisters but I haven't any brothers. I am a social and active human.
You know , everybody has dreams of course I have dreams too and I have been to trying succesful my dreams. I have 2 lifes. My first life is this world and my second life is for the world which after die. I have been to trying live for 2 worlds.
Our world is so beautiful but we don't know worth of our world enough. We dirty our world with our hands. Because Humans don't love each other enough. The love is very holy for me and I live this love in my heart. Love isn't only love humans. To love animals , to love natural , to love flower . To love everything for only the high God .
Look your around Please , Can you see humans who is really happy in their relations or family ? There are humans who is really happy a little.
All right , Have you any think so that why humans are unhappy about love ?
Because ;
It isn't very difficult to live real love in this time. I see humans who they live relation and later they leave from their relations and later they beging new relation again with another humans ( she / he ).
and , and , and it is going continuouse so , but where will it goes continuouse so ?
In my opinions , Humans don't know if they really love or not and they think that they love but they deceive theirself.
Love is very holy. It isn't too easy to live reall love .The Love wants sacrifice in a relation. But when it has a problem between in a relation humans prefer leave to war.It is very easy to prefer easy way , but even if humans have very problems in a relation , in spite of it is all hard and difficult ,really loving humans must war for their love.If a humans prefer finish a relation then his / her love is evry empty and not fact.
Before everything , Humans must be respectful theirself. Here it is then they become honest and respectfully opposite the another humans .Therefore if humans haven't any respectful and trust opposite their love . Humans never have anything ( providing that ) what they want in their life.
My dear friend , I want to explain you that ;
My real goal is get marriege with right girl but it isn't very difficult to find right life friend in this time but we never leave our expect and we must always war for our dreams therefore I have been to waring for my dreams.I want wonderful family. I want to be wonderful husband . I want to be wonderful father.But humans so say lie I am afraid and sometimes I can't trust girls.
If humans really want to set up happy family then they have to be honest , faithful, honourable , respectful and hot heart. Humans who say lie never become successful and find happiness in their life until die.
When I saw your picture on the site I liked you too much. You are so cute and sweet maybe you have boy friend or you are engaged. But I don't know your characters therefore I decided to write this letter to you. Maybe you will want to know me better or not but if your heart is empty and if we give a luck I think we can know better each other
Of course I don't know if you want a Turk guy for marriage or not. Maybe our cultures can be different but All humans are same and to be importand is characters.
My dear friend , I want to lengthen my hands to you. If you accept to hold my hands then we will have been first step together for our relation. But firt we must be honest , open and trust friend opposite each other. If we say lie each other then We will have been deceived each other. And we never find real love and right life partner.
If you don't want me , say me to be open and honest so that No Aykut , I don't want you .
It isn't become beautly with force. Im a intelligent a human. I liked you but you don't have to like me.
Everybody has flower in their heart. It is importand to take out this flower who is in the heart.
Love is very holy but we never know worth this love.
Life is share . All beauties live with share but we are afraid to share our life.
Characters explain us but we always secret real characters.
Our characters , our love , our opinions is us
But we never become honest and open opposite the humans
To be last ,the humans who have respectful theirself , Never become succesful in their life and always lose about every subject during their life
I don't know what can I write else . I have tried to explain my opinions to you .
Please think and decide very good .This is your life and I don't want you become unhappy in your life.
But ;
if you are not the girl who is on the picture , if you aren't honest,trust,faithful,honourable , if you want rich men and if you don't believe the high God ;
Please , Never write me .
Because I want relation how is honest , respectful, faithful,honourable and romantic.

This is a well-known fact ;
Humans who give worth and value the money and lux life have never love in their life and
The Winner is always love whether you accept me or not
Let's come we live all beauties together
Let's come we share all feels to be honest,trust and faithful
Let's come we fly on ski with all dreams together
Let's come wonderful family after we know each other better.
If we can success to love very strongly each other ,
Here it is then , your heart will be in my heart until die.

I have tried to explain all my opinions to you
And now
Decide belong you

Consider and give a decide very good .

If your answer yes ;

Can you send your real pictures ?

My direct mail address : trueshare@hotmail.com

Take care of yourself
All beauties become with you
The High God always become near you
Best wishes

Mon Jan 31 01:21:49 2005

От: димаТема:
ты мне не нравишься
Tue Mar 29 14:45:26 2005

От: ЗПндУТема: ЗбУбЗг нЗ НИнИм
ЗбУбЗг ЪбнЯгг нЗ НИнИн гЗ ФЗБ ббе ЗдК Мгнб МПЗ
Fri Apr 1 20:29:45 2005

От: ali alkanТема: hi
mojna poznakomitsa
ya mala paruski znayu
icq 162010575
e-mail: alkan@rencons.ru
Tue Apr 26 14:44:39 2005

От: MehmetТема:
Ber hatun niga bu qeder motour bulur? min anglamedim. Sin belen ber kich uchun ber yil minim turmuschtan birmege razimin.
Mon Mar 27 01:46:57 2006

От: NikiforТема:
Красивая девушка, как тебя зовут?
Tue Jun 6 09:27:07 2006

От: phoenixТема:
я там тоже был!
Tue Jun 20 11:04:07 2006

От: nickТема: cekc
chiksa ty prosto sexi
Thu Jan 25 07:46:30 2007

От: TarekТема: Regards from dubai
Hi,<br>I saw ur pic and like so much to know u, please replay soon if u intrested.Thaks.<br>kisses
Tue Mar 6 00:34:39 2007

От: proceshaТема:
Привет, знакомимся?
Mon Apr 2 16:14:21 2007

От: Iqbal Raman MuthyТема: Friendship
Dear Chiksa,

Do you want to be friends.


Iqbal Raman Muthy
Thu Feb 7 06:22:07 2008

От: Iqbal Raman MuthyТема: Friendship
Thu Feb 7 06:22:23 2008

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