How many times you didn`t understand gambling expression? The truth is that betting in free slots is the easiest thing, affordable even for kids. But there are a lot of specific words in real casino which can confuse ordinary player in free slot machine Jack`s T-Rex. Meaning of some expressions you can know right now!
Account - your profile in virtual casino, personal gambling account, registration which client receive after successful security check.
Ante - bet in Poker which player must to do before game start. All gamblers must to put Ante. Casino take Ante as a fee, player don`t get it back.
Underdog - hand which brings bad luck in gambling. If your right hand doesn`t show any winning combinations on wheels of slots then use your left hand.
Out - game is over; play cards which didn`t live game yet and can bring good score.
Ace - the highest card`s rank.
Amount - money transferred by player to his or casino account. Client chooses his own way to send money, it can be cash, bank transfer or cyber wallet.
Active player - is a gambler in Poker who uses several kind of betting.
Add-on - it means to buy more chips during game.
All or nothing - ticket of Keno which win when all marked numbers were chose by spinning box or all marked numbers didn`t appear from spinning box.
Button - sign pointing to dealer in Poker game. There is also big disk on table which move from one player to another according to turn.
Blackjack - play cards gambling game. The winner in Blackjack should collect 21 points, ranks of cards are numbers.
Diamond card is third grade of cards in pack.
Quick-table - table where all games are running fast.
Bonus - casino presents money to its clients if players followed some instructions. There are two kind of bonuses - turn over and non turn over. If you win any prize using turn over bonus then you need to spend certain sum of money betting free slot machines to get your winning out of casino. Non turn over bonus gambler can use any time and in any slot, if there is money won then player can take it out without any obligations.
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