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  The National Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan

Pages: 1 2
  The National Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan is a very rich archival storage. Its contents include documents and printed publications that reflect the history of political, economic and cultural development of Tatarstan, including the original historical state formations: Bulgaria of the Volga region, Golden Horde and Kazan Khanate.
  The National Archive of RT stores 7,985 funds, which contain about 2 million cases, 29,092 documentary photographs, and 9,172 cases of scientific and technical documentation. The archive has its scientific-reference library that includes more than 3,239 complete sets of newspapers and over 34,092 books and magazines of mostly reference-encyclopedic and area-study types in Russian, Tatar, Arabian, Mongolian and other languages.
  The documents of the pre-revolutionary period cover the territory of the Volga region, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Northern Caucasus, since Kazan was a big educational, judicial, military, and spiritual center. The documents reflect the administrative-territorial changes, the development of cities and villages, administrative and social class management, the republic's economic history, and different religions (like Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism etc.) activity.
  Numerous researchers, including foreign ones, take a great interest in the fund of Tatar teacher's school. Tatar teacher's school, in different years, was the place where future people of science and culture received their education. Among the famous people are a man of science and culture G. Iskhaki, a writer and public figure F. Tuktarov, the leader of Tatar cadets, a deputy of the State Duma of two convocations S.Maksudi, a public figure, a member of Muslim fraction of the State Duma, who later became a professor of Istanbul University I. Kudashev-Ashkazarsky; scientists-philologists M. Kurbangaliev, M.Fazlullin, G.Alparov; the first Tatar chemist-professor G. Kamay; poet S. Suncheley; active participants of the national-liberation and revolutionary movement M. Sultan-Galiev, Kh. Yamashev, military leaders Kh. Mavlyutov, Y.Chanyshev etc.
  The big documentary complex reflects the history of the manufactures' development, beginning with fine handicraft ventures (tanning, sheep-furring, felting, weaving, sawmills, pottering) and finishing with large capitalist enterprises (soap-productions, stearin works of the Krestovnikovs, linen-spinning, weaving and tanning enterprises of Alafuzov, shoe factory 'Polyar' etc.), and also large trading houses and joint-stock companies of Yunusovs, Apanyevs, Aitovs, Khalitov, Karimovs, Asadullayev, Stakheevs, Shchetinkin, Alexandrov, Kekin, etc.The archive reflects the history of oil fields' development and Russian-Assian, Volzhsko-Kamsky, Nobles' and peasant-land banks and their branches' formation and development.


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