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Fakhretdinov Rizaetdin 01/04/1859
The Tatar scientist, educator, writer, journalist and teacher. He was an expert in the Islamic doctrine and philosophy.
Iskhaki Gayaz 02/10/1878
Iskhaki Gayaz had made much for the unity of Turkic people, the national-cultural autonomy of the Muslim peoples in Russia
Kursavi Gabdennasyr 01/01/1776
The outstanding Tatar scientist, one of the founders of the rationalistic tendency in the history of the Tatar public idea.
Marjani Shihab Ad-din 01/16/1818
Marjani was a philosopher, historian, religious reformer and educator. But even these definitions cannot embrace all sides of his many-sided activity. Marjani was as well an ethnographer, archeologist, orientalist and teacher. His wide outlook can be compared with the broad knowledge of the French educators of XVIII century: Diderot and Russo.
Validi Akhmet-Zaki 12/12/1890
Known as a Kazan shakird and mugallim, Duma deputy, and the first "president" of Bashkortostan. He was also known as a basmatch (member of a counter-revolutionary robber band in Central Asia during Civil War) and high-level world scientist. One of the most remarkable figures of the national movement of the first half of the XX century.
Schapov Afanasiy 01/01/1831
Russian historian who tried to give materialistic interpretation of the history.
Gasprinsky Ismail 01/01/1851
Ismail Gasprinsky takes a prominent place in history of the Tatar and Turkic cultural development. I.Gasprinsky is known as a teacher, prominent journalist and the founder of the new teaching method.
Maksudi Sadri 01/01/1878
Sadri Maksudi (Satretdin Nizametdinovich Maksudov) is an outstanding public figure and statesman, recognized scientist, one of the prominent persons of our time.
Katanov Nikolay 05/06/1862
N.F.Katanov was the author of the works on bibliographic review of the East, which were issued abroad and in Russia. He read dozens of reports at the meetings of the Society and 130 articles were published in 'Izvestiya' newspaper. They were devoted to questions on ethnography of the Turkic tribes, literature, numismatics and Islam.
Nasyri Kayum 02/14/1825
Alongside with works of art he created fundamental works on linguistics, mathematics, geography, history, ethnography, and folk medicine. For 24 years K. Nasyri issued an annual desk calendar in Tatar in which lots of scientific and literary materials were published. Therefore K.Nasyri is considered to be the first Tatar encyclopaedist.
Akchura Yusuf 01/01/1876
Akchura Yusuf is a well-known Tatar social and political figure and scientist. Y.Akchura was born in 1876, in Simbirsk. From 1883 to 1892 he lived and studied in Istanbul.

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