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  Academicians Arbuzovs` House-Museum

  Academicians Alexander Erminingeldovich and Boris Alexandrovich Arbuzovs' House-Museum is a small wooden private residence on Shcholniy Lane of Kazan city. The museum's solemn opening ceremony (originally, it was A.E. Arbuzov's museum) was held on September 22, 1971, three years after the academician's death.
  The outstanding organic chemistry scientist, who was the founder of chemistry of phosphoro-organic compounds, lived for more than 50 years (1914-1968) in that house. In October of 1993, the museum was renamed into Academicians A.E. and B.A. Arbuzovs' Museum, in commemoration of the academician B.A. Arbuzov's birthday 90-anniversary.
  B.A. Arbuzov was the most outstanding representative of Kazan chemical school. He and his family lived in this house until 1955. The museum's main feature is its uniqueness. Life itself created the museum. The area of the museum complex (consisting of the house and a garden) is 590 sq. m., including the area of the house itself that is equal to 264 sq. m.
  Funds of the museum have more than 10 thousand exhibits, more than 8 thousand of which are originals. The museum's visitors are offered 5 showrooms. The first room contains a small exposition, mainly consisting of documents, photos, some of A.E. Arbuzov's works, medicines, and other exhibits that reflect scientific, public and state work of A.E. Arbuzov.
  The presented exhibits include his master and doctoral dissertations, and works on the history of chemistry. The second room, which served as a drawing-room and study, has a memorial feature. Everything is kept as it was during A.E. Arbuzov's life. Many things here tell us about the scientist's hobbies. These exhibits include musical instruments (a grand piano, and a violin) and musical notes.
  The fact that A.E. Arbuzov took a great interest in violin found its reflection in the academician's library, where with scientific publications on chemistry, rare books on the history of violin and theory of violin play, books about Borodin and Shalyapin may be seen. Musical pieces of great composers, like Chaykovsky, Borodin, Rakhmaninov, Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart could always be heard in the house. Alexander Erminingeldovich's wife Katherine Petrovna and his granddaughter Marina played the grand piano.
  On the walls of the museum, the visitors can see pictures drawn by young A.E. Arbuzov. Mostly, they are copies of Russian artists' pictures. One of the pictures is a painting in watercolors by Natalia Erminingeldovna Mufke who was A.E. Arbuzov's younger sister.The desk drawers contain numerous fishing accessories, since Alexander Erminingeldovich was a fan of fishing on the Volga river.
  The small table, where children did their homework, has personal photos on it. On one of them, visitors can see Ekaterina Petrovna's father - the University's professor, a famous geologist - P.I. Krotov.The third room served as a dining room and has a memorial feature as well. In this room from 1926 to 1955, the oldest son Boris Aleksandrovich lived with his family. When he moved out, the room became a dining-room again.During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the house was a shelter for the families of academicians A.E. Fersman and A.I. Frumkin, who were evacuated from Moscow.
  As a monument to the wartime, the museum has a furnace set in this room. The small bookcase contains books that A.E. Arbuzov received with presenting inscriptions from the authors. The fourth room served as a study for Boris Aleksandrovich.
  In 1993, the room was arranged for an exposition devoted to his birthday 90-anniversary. Many originals like academician Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov's books, manuscripts, photos and other personal belongings became the basis of the exposition. The most interesting exhibits include a special medal, which he was awarded in Paris in 1969 on the celebration of the 300-anniversary of the element phosphorus' discovery, a mantel and a hat of the honorable doctor of the University of Gdansk (1977), the manuscript-memoirs about Kazan University, a print of his first publication in a scientific magazine and many other exhibits.
  The fifth room is a bedroom. Like other memorial rooms, it is also very modestly furnished. A small table by the window, at which Alexander Erminingeldovich liked to work, a bookstand with fiction books and periodic magazines, a closet with clothes, and a marble washstand are everything you may find there.
  Two small rooms have book shelves with books and foreign magazines that make a part of scientific library of B.A Arbuzov and his younger brother, a Doctor of Chemistry, a professor of Moscow State Univesity, Yury Aleksandrovich Arbuzov. Among the books, works with authors' presenting inscription to Boris Aleksandrovich are separately presented in the exposition.
  The majority of the authors are chemical scientists, the academician's students and colleagues. The fact that writers and historians are found among the grantors shows the broad circle of Boris Aleksandrovich's interests and acquaintances. The small kitchen with a Russian furnace strengthens the museum's atmosphere of home.Many outstanding scientists-chemists of our country such as academicians N.D. Zelinsky, A.E. Favorsky, I.A. Kablukov, A.E. Chichibin, N.S. Kurnakov, a famous Kazan physiologist, the founder of electrocardiography A.F. Samoylov, and many others visited this house.
  Academicians Arbuzovs' extensive correspondence is stored in the museum's funds. Among the addressees are domestic and foreign scientists, political figures and statesmen such as academicians I.P. Bardin, S.I. Vavilov, P.L. Kapitsa, A.N. Nesmeyanov, M.I. Kabanchik, B.E. Paton, O.M. Nefedov, Ya. Mikhalsky, A. Todd, and D. Voitits.
  The small decorative garden full of bushes and flowers, planted by the Arbuzovs, is also a part of the museum's memorial zone. The garden's hawthorns, lilacs, gooseberries, violets, narcissuses look very beautiful in the summertime. The museum's staff carefully looks after these live exhibits. In addition to its permanent expositions, the museum also offers small exhibitions devoted to other remarkable people of our city. First of all, these are academicians Arbuzov's students and colleagues. The museum arranges musical parties and memorial days of outstanding scientists and members of Arbuzovs' dynasty.
  The address: Kazan, Shkolny lane, 8.

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