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  The Zoological Museum of Kazan University

  The beginning of the zoological museum's foundation refers to 1798 when Prince Potyomkin-Taurian's unique collection together with his library, in accordance with a decree of Emperor Paul I, were presented to Kazan Grammar school and brought to Kazan in 1799.
  In the beginning of the XIX century, professor K.K. Fuks used the collection for teaching courses on "natural history" at Kazan Imperial University. Later, due to professor E.F. Eversman's (1828-1860) efforts, the zoological museum was established as an independent institution. In this period, many stuffed birds and mammal were purchased and brought from Germany.
  Additionally, some collections of animals of Kazan province, Altai mountains, the Caspian area and some other territories became a part of the collection. These additions have formed the basis of the richest collection of vertebrates, which was continually enriched due to Kazan zoologists' expeditions and excursions and exhibits' purchases from other museums and individual collectors.
  Professors E.A. Eversman, M.D. Ruzsky, A.A. Ostroumov, E. Peltsman, Y.P. Koksin contributed in the act of the museum's funds' foundation.Irrespectively of the museum of vertebrates, the zootomical laboratory organized in 1843 had a collection of vertebrates for use as illustrative materials for teaching courses on zoology of vertebrates.
  In 1945, on initiative of professor N.A. Livanov - the head of chair of zoology of vertebrates - the two independent collections were united. Thus, the existing zoological museum was established.For the time being, it has more than 6000 exhibits giving a full presentation of various fauna's representatives, beginning with unicellular organisms and finishing with primates.
  The richest collections of the zoological museum of Kazan University put the museum on the leading place right after the capital museums of the Academies of Sciences.
  Among the museum's unique exhibits are a stuffed mountain zebra quagga (today, only eight stuffed animals of that extinct zebra may be found in the world), tuatara, paradise bird, Ridgera piscesae of the Pacific ridge Juan-de-Fuqua and many others.
  Today the museum serves as a serious base for scientific researches. The museum's exhibits are widely used in the academic process on biological disciplines not only at the university, but also at a number of higher educational institutions of Kazan. The exposition halls of the zoological museum are open for numerous scientists, researchers, teachers, students, Kazan city inhabitans and visitors of Tatarstan.

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