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  The Museum of the History of Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan

  The Museum of the history of Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan was founded on November 27, 1988 in commemoration of the 100-anniversary of Kazan city telephone system establishment.
  The deed of museum's foundation became the one of the republic's all telecommunications workers, including veterans of war and labor. The communications offices also brought a big contribution to the museum's establishment.
  In 1990, in addition to the old brick building, a new two-storeyed building was added and the total area of the museum has extended up to 400 sq. m. The museum's exhibits are placed in the four halls on the area of 400 sq. m in the two-storeyed brick building, a former merchant's private residence of the end of the XIX century.
  The collection of the museum includes about 5,000 exhibits, among which original exhibits connected with the development of all communications' branches. The exhibits include telephone and telegraphic devices, TV sets, radio receivers, testing and other kinds of equipment, different devices of different times and branches, collections of documents of telecommunications' veterans, their personal belongings, different kinds of technical manuals and award decorations of communications workers.
  Among the most valuable are a Morse's telegraphic device of 1916, a telephone set 'Erickson' of 1895, TV sets 'KVN', telephone system sets, a portable telephone-radio set, radio receivers of different trade marks, a telegraphic device T-100 etc.
  The collections tell about the development of all branches of communications in the republic: postal, city, long distance, and international telephone, telegraphic, radio and television communications. The exposition is organized according to the historic-chronological order, i.e. it displays all communications' branches of a certain period of time at the same spot.
  In the two halls of the second floor, special attention in the expositions is paid to the development of the communication equipment. On the ground floor, there is an exhibition hall devoted to the veterans of communications, who were participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, awarded with various government awards.
  One of the halls is intended for various events' organization. It also contains materials devoted to communications' workers' social and cultural environment, in which they lived and worked. The four exposition halls of the museum have a common architectural style. However, each hall has its own unique idea, appearance, and specific features.
  The first hall is divided by special constructions that help to highlight the whole epoch and sections. This hall's documents and materials are in the chronological order. The exposition demonstrates communications' branches of the period between the XIX up to the middle of the XX century.
  The museum's second hall's exposition reflects the development of communications' branches of the 70s-90s of the XX century.
  Another hall's expositions tell about the veterans of war and work. The museum is represented by its fine expositions and specific forms of its work that make the museum of great importance for the cultural life of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  The museum is always visited by the students of lyceum of communications, students of qualification's improvement courses for communications workers, etc. For students of humanitarian departments of KSU and KSPY, the museum is an excellent place of internship.
  The museum keeps close connections with The State Amalgamated Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, The Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popov in Saint Petersburg, and other museums of the Russian Federation.

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