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  M.Dzhalil`s Museum-apartment

  The history of the museum
  The museum was established in 1981. It was opened for public on February 15, 1983. Since 1981, the museum has been a branch of The State Amalgamated Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. The museum's type is literary-memorial.
  Musa Dzhalil (Zalitov Musa Mustafovich) (1906 - 1944) is a Tatar poet, literary and public figure. He also served as the chairman of The Union of TASSR's writers in 1939 - 1941. Fascists executed Dzhalil in Berlin in 1944 for the organization of underground antifascist activity in 'Idel-Ural' legion.
  He was awarded the following ranks and titles: The Hero of the Soviet Union, the Winner of Lenin Prize (both ranks were awarded after his death). Additionally, Musa Dzhalil was awarded a literary prize in 1957 for his cycle of verses "Moabitsk Notebook".The museum occupies two adjacent apartments, one of which is memorial.
  The general area of the museum is 126,2 sq. m.The museum includes the following facilities:
  the Memorial apartment;
  the Showroom;
  the Literary interior.
  A brief description of the collection's unique part
  The museum's funds include more than 2000 unites of storage. 396 of them are exposed in the memorial apartment.The fund's contents include the following items: Moabitsk notebooks, photos, personal letters, the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Winner of Lenin Prize certificates, bibliographic and creative writings manuscripts, the poet's personal belongings, M.Dzhalil's pieces in published editions, publications devoted to M.Dzhalil's works and life.
  The especially valuable (unique) part of the funds include:
  Moabitsk Notebooks that are exposed for public annually on "The day of the original" February 15, (the Notebooks are stored in the funds of the SAM RT)
  The desk that the poet bought in 1935.The poet's personal library that consists of 216 volumes
  The album with pictures, which M.Dzhalil compiled from 1937 to 1941
  The first lifetime bust of the poet
  The mandolin that M.Dzhalil bought in 1934
  Foreign editions of "Moabitsk Notebook" in German, Czech, Bulgarian, Korean, Arabian and English languages (published in 1958 - 1981).
  The museum's director is Sakaeva Guzel Rinatovna
  The address of the museum is 420015, Kazan, Gorky street, 7, apt. 28 www.tatar.museum.ru/M2173

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