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  N. Zhiganov`s museum - apartment

  In a solemn and exciting atmosphere, passed the opening of Nazib Zhiganov's memorial museum - apartment in house N 14 on Malaya Krasnaya Street, where the composer lived with his family from 1971 till 1988. Living in that apartment, he wrote fifteen symphonies, and also many other famous compositions.
  From this apartment Nazib Gayazovich went on his last business trip to Ufa where the premiere of his opera "Jalil" was to be held.
  The exposition of the museum occupies two rooms - the study-room of the composer and the drawing room where the settings and conditions are kept completely the same with the ones, when the composer lived there. On the desk, one can see the partite of his last Seventeenth Symphony, magazines and books to which he referred while he was working at it, and also the letters that Nazib Gayazovich received from all over the country.
  At present, the small area of the museum does not allow to present N. Zhiganov's many-sided creative and general work in the way he deserves that. This could be done by means of the richest archive of the composer including, in addition to his musical compositions, his epistolary heritage, books, photo and recording library.) Nina Ilyainishna - Nazib Gayazovich's widow and the director of the museum - apartment carefully keeps everything.
  Memorable dates and annual actions:
  Establishment Date - 07.30.1991
  Opening Date- 03.02.2001
  January 15, 2001 - N. Zhiganov's Birthday
  June 2, 2001 - N. Zhiganov's Memory Day
  The basic excursions:
  Nazib Zhiganov. The Person. His Creative Work. The DestinyThe Beginning of his Way. N. Zhiganov's Childhood and Youth.N.Zhiganov's "Jalil" opera - a musical monument to his friend - hero
  Zhiganov Nazib Gayazovich (1911-1988) was a composer and had the following titles and positions: a Hero of Socialistic Labor, a People's actor of the USSR, a Winner of three State Prizes of the USSR, a Winner of the Republican Prize named after G.Tukay, the founder of Kazan conservatory and its rector from 1945 till 1988.
  In the house, where the museum is located, N. Zhiganov lived his last 20 years of life. The conditions of the apartment, the world of the original things that were surrounding the composer, reflect the atmosphere in which he lived and worked.
  The composer's archive - a unique collection of documents dated the 20s-80-s of the XX century - is of great value. These are personal papers, manuscripts, the richest collection of letters, books with the composer's marks and presenting inscriptions of figures of literature and art, and also memories of contemporaries, photo archive, and autographs of outstanding art workers.
  The musical archive, containing the manuscripts of all N. Zhiganov's compositions, including draft variants, sketches, and outlines, is invaluable. The archive contains all existing editions of the composer's partite and clavichords, many of which became bibliography rarities.
  Epistolary archive contains several hundred documents, among which are D. Shostakovich, A.Khachaturyan, T. Khrennikov, R. Shchedrin, B. Pokrovsky, N. Rakhlin, G.Litinsky's letters.
  The merit of preservation of the archives belongs to the composer's wife N. I. Zhiganova.
  The house, where the museum - apartment is located, is recorded in the state security register of monuments of republican value.
  The founder: Zhiganova N.I.
  The address: 420015, Kazan, Malaya Krasnaya Street, bld. 14, apt. 11

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