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  Geologic-mineralogical museum of KSU

  Geologic-mineralogical museum is one of the most famous and rich natural-science museums, which is included in the list of the three best university museums of Russia. It is of the same age with Kazan University and was founded according to its regulations in 1804.
  The first gathering of the future museum's collections took place at the end of the XVIII century. It happened in the bowels of Kazan grammar school that was the basis on which Kazan University was established. The gathered collections were odd paleontologic finds that were a part of the grammar school's "natural things". Among the most famous entries of the end of the XVIII century are Prince Potemkin-Taurian's mineral collections.
  The further growth of the collections occurred due to gifts, purchases from abroad and in Russia, and expeditions of scientists and students.The six basic departments form the modern collection fund of the museum. They are:
  ore-mineralogical and petrographic department;
  paleontologic department;
  dynamic geology department;
  the department of monographic collections;
  geology of local area department, the department of mineral and raw material recourses of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  scientific - historical archive department.
  The museum has more than 150000 items from 60 world countries. These are collections of meteorites, rocks, minerals, ores, mineral remains of ancient plants and animals. Among the museum's samples, there are lots of rarities. The monographic paleontologic collections of scientists of Kazan university are of special scientific - historical value. They are a part of the world geological science "golden fund" and are subject to eternal storage.
  One of the best and most valuable Russia's collections is the meteorite collection. Among these meteorites is the world's most aesthetic sample - meteorite ESQUELL that was brought to the museum in 1996 from the USA. The meteorite is a 10 kg plate.
  The museum has always been the pride of Kazan University and an essential object of display. The museum contributes to the educational process and provides all visitors with an opportunity to familiarize with expositions and scientific collections personally.
  Today the Geologic-mineralogical museum of Kazan university is one of the best natural-science higher education institution's museums of Russia due to imposing appearance of its funds. Information about the museum is recorded in both international and domestic paleontologic and mineralogical reference books and directories; it works in the structure of the International Council of Museums (ICOM); in the Commission on Mineralogical Museums of the Russian Academy of Science; in the Academic Council of State Museums of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  The museum develops and keeps contacts with both domestic and foreign natural-science museums and geological organizations; it performs collection materials exchanges and carries out joint geological projects and publications.

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