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  Archeological museum of Kazan University

  Archeological museum of Kazan University is one of the largest and oldest museums of such kind. The organization of the museum began in 1810 with a purchase of coins and ancient items. In the first half of the XIX century, the functioning of the numismatic (so-called "myuntscabinet") and antiquities cabinets was the basics of the museum. By the middle of the XIX century, the museum had one of the largest numismatic collections in Europe. In the 60-s of the XIX century, cabinet-museums united into a museum of antiquities, fine arts and numismatics.
  In 1878, on the basis of the IV Archeological Congress' exhibition, the museum of the Society of archeology, history and ethnography is formed. Both museums existed until 1929, when exhibitions were closed, and the most part of their collections was given to the State Museum of Tatarstan. In 1978, it became possible to reconstruct the archeological museum of Kazan University on the basis of the archeological cabinet.
  The museum's exposition (by A.H.Khalikov and S.I.Valiulina) has up to 4 thousand displays and reflects history and archeology of Volzhsko-Kamsk area. As a whole, the museum's fund has 296 numbers of collections that make 50 000 units of storage. The largest collections of the museum are instruments of Stone Age, collections of Ananyn culture, medieval monuments of the Volga and Ural regions.
  Materials of Turayev burial mound of the V century AD, Big-Tigan Ancient Madyar burial ground, Big -Tarkhan Early Bulgarian burial ground, Siberian, Central Asian, and Northern Caucasus collections, and also archeological materials of ancient Greece, Rome, Switzerland are considered unique.
  Kh.M.Fren, K.F.Fuks, A.F.Likhachev, F.I.Erdman, A.A.Shtukenberg, N.F.Vysotsky, M.G.Hudyakov, N.F.Katanov, N.F. Kalinin, and A.Kh.Khalikov took part in the museum's fund creation. Not only scientists of Russia, but also those of Finland, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, and Japan, study the museum's funds.

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