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  Feshin Nikolai

  Nikolai Feshin was born on December 8, 1881 in Kazan. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Art, and then emigrated to the USA, having settled first in New York.
  In 1927, when the state of his health required dry climate, he and his family moved to Taos, New Mexico. In this little village in Rocky Mountain he and his friends - painters and writers - founded unprecedented for America distinguished settlement, where the great creative work has been carried out until now. The years in New Mexico appeared to be the most productive in Feshin's life. That was the place where he created a series of canvases depicting life of American West, which guaranteed him permanent place in the exposition of the 'Hall of cowboy glory' in Oklahoma.
  Feshin's artistic style trace its roots back to Russian classic. However there is some influence of modern fine art schools in his works too. Being the apprentice of great Repin he didn't avoid Malyavin's influence. Wide, nervous brush strokes, which Feshin adored in Malyavin's work, were enriched with the painter's own palette, which added some dynamic to his canvases. His portraits of Russian as well as of American period continue the great Russian tradition of Russian portrait painting. The portrait of the 'Girl in a purple dress' proves it.
  However, his unusual talent was revealed not only in paintings. His house and studio in Taos became one of his most distinguished works. In the house structure and design he well combined Russian traditions of wooden architecture with the Spanish spirit of the architecture of New Mexico. The wooden lace of doors, patterned panels of the cabinet, many other wooden details of the interior were cut by the artist himself. In 1979 N. Feshin's house was registered in National List of historical monuments of America. Feshin's institute was situate there for some time, now there is a world famous hotel for connoisseurs of art.
  The fame Feshin earned in America, after some time came to him in his native country too. In 1975 the books about him were published in the USA and in Leningrad simultaneously; in 1976 his first exhibition in the USSR was held, and in 1981 his centenary was commemorated in his native Kazan; a conference and an exhibition, dedicated to his works took place.
  In 1955 Feshin died. He never forgot his roots and those dramatic events, with which he began the American period of his life. He left Kazan being poor and ill, in a hard moment of revolutionary ordeal for his country. Representatives of American administration of help, who he had met in Kazan, organized his flight to the USA. After all, he returned back to his native country: in 1976 his daughter and granddaughter brought his ashes to Kazan...

Walls of The Old Kremlin
Walls of The Old Kremlin
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