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  The Kachalov`s Drama Theatre

  The History.
  One of the oldest theatres in Russia was founded in 1791. Almost all outstanding Russian actors worked in this theatre, including M.S. Schepkin, V.F. Komissarzhevskaya and others. Many famous actors, including M.G. Savina, V.N. Davidov, V.I. Kachalov and others, began here their careers. Many times the Theatre has performed on the best stages of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg; the theater-lovers of many cities of former Soviet Union have seen its performances. The researches of the specialists of drama study are dedicated to its history. Since 1949 the Big Dramatic Theatre has borne the name of the National Artist of the USSR V.I.Kachalov.
  In 1957 the Theatre was awarded with the Order of the Red Labour's Banner. In 1996 it was given a status of Academic Theatre. Today the Theatre is under the art direction of the National Artist of Russia Alexander Slavutsky. The director of the Theatre is Honoured Worker of Culture of Russia and Tatarstan Grigory Pervin.
  Today the building of the Theatre, built in 1914, is under major reconstruction; it is being equipped with the new stage equipment. Except the main stage, there is going to be the Small stage.
  The Tours
  The theatre was on tour in Arabic Republic of Egypt (Cairo), during 5 years the theatre has taken part in the International Festival of Russian Theatres in Marseilles (France), has been on tours in Lithuania (Vilnius), in Russian cities: Moscow, Pskov, Yoshkar-Ola. In spring 2000 the theatre was on tour in Sochi (Russia). France and Germany show the interest to the Kachalov's Theatre more than other countries.
  The Repertoire
  N.V. Gogol 'The Inspector'
  J.-B. Molier 'Scapen's tricks'
  G. Gorin 'Funeral Prayer'
  S. Lobserov 'The Family Portrait with a Stranger'
  A.P. Chekhov 'Uncle Vanya'
  J.-B. Molier 'Don Juan'Murray
  Shisgal 'Love, Love'
  A. Duma 'The Dame with Camellias'
  W. Shakespeare 'Sheilok' and others.
  Address: 48 Baumana str., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420111.

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