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  Kazan Young People`s Theatre (TUZ)

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  The History
  Kazan State Young People's Theatre was established 69 years ago according to the determination of the city Party Committee and the regional Komsomol Committee in view of 10th anniversary of the Pioneer Organization, so November 30, 1932 is the birthday of the theatre.
  That day the first performance of Kazan TUZ took place in the Central Pioneer Club, 15 Profsoyuznaya str. (today - the Center of Jewish culture). The money for keeping the new theatre was collected by the whole city, including the establishments and enterprises of all kinds.
  In 1934 there were no enough money for keeping the theatre, so it was closed. People of Kazan sounded the alarm, pioneers wrote the letter to the Secretary of CC (Central Committee) Postyshev, the Soviet of People's Commissars of the Russian federation interfered in the case.
  In 1935 the theatre was reestablished as the State Theatre and received at its disposal a part of the building of the House of the Teacher, 10 Ostrovskogo str., where it is situated until now. During almost 70 years (in November 2002 Kazan TUZ is going to celebrate its 70th anniversary) the theater has gone a hard but glorious way. Kazan TUZ has always had authority over the other children's theatres of the country.
  In 1946 at the first All-Union show of the children's theatres Kazan TUZ was marked as one of the best theatres.
  Since then it has taken part in many theatre festivals and competitions, winning prizes, been marked with rewards and diplomas according to the executive orders of Minister of Culture, its performances were shown on the stages of the Kremlin theatre in Moscow, on television.
  More than one generation of the spectators has grown up on the plays of the theatre. Kazan citizens with the great love and warmth recollect the names of actors: Maria Nemenko-Bobkovskaya, Anna Peshkova, Vasily Chernetsky, Peter Mulyarchik, Valentina Kozlova, Boris Roskin, Valentina Bliznova, Yury Maksimov, Vladimir Glushkov. Later Alexander Kokurin, Lubov Lukina, Zoya Petrova, Vladimir Feigin, Nadezhda Kochneva, Eugeny Tsarkov maintained the glory of the theatre. Many talented actors, artists, composers and directors. The organizing and creative gift of Marsel Salimzhanov was developing there.
  The theatre was always famous for its high level of direction, famous directors worked there, including Marsel Salimzhanov, Vadim Golikov, Felix Grigorian, Yury Pogrebnichenko, Boris Tseitlin. Tatar Young People's Theatre made its first steps here in 1949. Kazan can be proud of it's TUZ and its talented company. The misfortune didn't break up the company. All the years of the theatre homelessness the actors worked, staged plays, which were attended by more then 150 thousand people.
  For 10 years the Honoured worker of culture Farit Shamilevich Shamsiev worked as a director of the theatre.In November 2000 Georgy Zurabovich Tskhvirava became the director of the theatre.
  Many times Kazan TUZ has shown its performances on the Moscow and Leningrad stages as well as on the stages of other towns and cities of the country, has won prizes, taking part in competition of creative companies of the Young People's Theatres. The plays by Russian and foreign authors, touching upon the problems of courage, love to the native country, friendship and comradeship, constituted the base of repertoire.
  Address: 10 Ostrovskogo str., Kazan, 420111


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