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  The Galiaskar Kamal`s State Academic Theatre

Pages: 1 2
  The first public performance in the Tatar language took place in Kazan on December 22, 1906. This date is considered to be the official birthday of the Galiaskar Kamal's State Academic Theatre.
  In 1907 Sakhibjamal Gizzatullina-Volzhskaya, the first woman-actress in the Muslim world, and Gabdulla Kariev, who later became the leader of the company and was called 'the father of the Tatar theatre', joined the company. In 1908 the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai gave the company the name 'Sayar'.
  Mobile before the Revolution, the theatre became stationary in the beginning of the 1920s and received a premise at its disposal - first, the former Merchants' Assembly (today - the building of the YPT, Oastrovskogo str.), a little later - the former Officials' Club, Gorkogo str.
  In the first decade of the theatre existence the basics of national theatre art were laid. The pre-war repertoire varied considerably - world and national classic works, Tatar and translated drama. In 1926 the theatre received the status of Academic theatre, in 1939 it was given the name of the classic Tatar playwright Galiaskar Kamal.
  One of the bright events in the theatre history became the participation of its company in the Decade of Tatar Literature and Art held in Moscow in 1957. The late 30 years has become the new stage in the creative development of the academic theatre. The director in chief Marsel Salimjanov, the GITIS graduate, created the new theatre. He is composing the repertoire, corresponding to the needs of present day, life, making the actors perform parts so that they would sound contemporary.
  In 1986 the Galiaskar Kamal' State Academic Theatre moved to the new building in the center of the city, on the lakeside of Kaban, the building reminds a sailing ship over the water surface. There are windows with the view to the lake, balconies for the spectators to walk, a winter garden with fountains, a portrait gallery and sculptures of distinguished theater workers in the theatre foyer.
  The theatre in our days
  The theatre now is one of the most popular among the national theatres in the country. The young actors are working together with the masters. The director Farit Bikchentayev graduated from the GITIS in Moscow. He has staged about 20 performances in the theatre. On the International Festival of the Turkic national theatres 'Nauruz - 98' he won the Prize for the best direction.
  The theatre actively participates in different festivals: in 1993 it took part in the International Festival of the Turkic national theatres 'Nauruz -98' in Ashkhabad and in the International Theatre Festival 'The theatre: East-West' in Tashkent. In 2000 the theatre took part in the theater festival 'Gustiniy dvor', held in Orenburg and in the 'Festival of modern Turkish drama' held in Moscow.
  Address: 1 Tatarstan str., Kazan, 420021.


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