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  Abzgildin Abrek

  Abzgildin Abrek Amirovich was born in Baimak (the Republic of Bashkortostan). In 1965 he finished the Kazan art school. In 1970 he graduated the V.I. Surikov's Moscow State Institute of Art. Having come to Kazan in 1970, he became one of the leading masters of monumental art. His works, accomplished in the different techniques, are displayed in many cities of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  At the same time he is engaged with easel painting, graphics, experiments with ceramic. All these characterize the artist's creative aim: to present the world as cosmic integrity. Often he brings together seemingly incompatible things, tries to cover the subject of the work as completely as possible. His aesthetic credo is best reflected by art of painting. Portrait, genre painting, landscape, still live - in all the plenty of painting compositions the wish to interpret philosophically the subject is apparent.
  Special place in Abrek Abzgildin's creative activity is given to the subject of Sabantui. It is either a great canvas with tens of personages, giving the panorama of the festival, or scenes of competition full of dramatic tension.

A Park
A Park
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