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  Akulov Timur

  Date of birth: (25/04/1953)
  Akulov Timur Yurievich
  The director of Department of external communications of the President of
  Tatarstan, the State adviser at the President of Tatarstan on international
  Timur Yurievich was born on April 25, 1953 in the city of Yangi-Yul of the
  Tashkent area of Uzbek SSR.
  He began his labour activity in 1970 as a collective farmer. After service
  in the Soviet Army he worked as a mechanic-assembler at the Baltic plant
  n.a. S.Ordzhonikidze in Leningrad.
  In 1974 he entered the Oriental faculty of the Leningrad state university
  and graduated in 1979. Speciality - orientalist-historian.
  Upon graduation from the university from 1979 till 1982 he worked as a
  military translator in People's democratic Republic of Yemen.
  Since 1982 - employee of scientific library.
  From 1983 to 1991 - assistant at the Kazan state university.
  Simultaneously, from 1988 to 1991 - teacher at the institute of social
  sciences in Aden, Yemen republic.
  Since 1991 - the adviser of the President of Tatarstan on international
  questions, since 1994 - the State adviser at the President of Tatarstan on
  international questions.
  In 1995 he was appointed the director of Department of external
  communications of the President of Tatarstan - the State adviser at the
  President of Tatarstan.
  Member of Advisory council of subjects of the Federation on international
  and foreign economic relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
  Russian Federation.
  He is awarded with the order of Honour and medals.

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