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  Shmeleva Elena

  Original artist Elena Nikolayevna Shmeleva 'draws' with fur. Most of her works become the property of the joint-stock company 'Melita', where Elena Nikolayevna woks as a designer-constructor.
  Then her works are sold, exchanged, presented to the guests and business partners, who have take them not only to different cities of Russia, but also to Germany, Switzerland, Italy. She has created more then 180 works, and hasn't repeated herself, though she hasn't refused to go back to the favourite subjects: lonely dwellings, autumn roads, forest meadows, waterfalls and - the night. She likes turning everything common, insignificant into something unusual. At night it happens easily. The most ordinary puddle, in which the stars are flickering, can be a whole world. The night has lots of hues: it can be blue, violet, pink - it is inexhaustible.
  Elena Nikolayevna hasn't lived 'an hour of her life without work'. She paints in oil, on watercolour, takes part in creation of fur clothing collections. She uses everything she can found on the ground for her collages: wastes of leather, dry grass, metal cuttings, wastes of besom and even floor cloth. Shmeleva, as a maestro, has the same rare gift: common things, which we pass without noticing them, she can turn into little original masterpiece. She created the collage - sun setting over the river - from a handful of sand, a little snag and a button covered with purple leather. She turned a beer cad lid into a blue puppy.
  In order to see the fur compositions, not only admirers of Shmeleva's talent, but also specialists of fur firms, professional designers have come from other cities. The press has called Elena Nikolayevna the master of fur arts and crafts.

Walls of The Old Kremlin
Walls of The Old Kremlin
Traveller's view 
Sat Jul 27
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Sun Jul 28
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