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  Leaves of Grass.

Pages: 1 2
  In 1992 the group Dixi, which played mostly rhythm-and-blues, appeared in Kazan. That was absolutely amateur band, as far as there were no professional musicians observed. In the beginning of its formation the group existed in accordance with e principle 'everything flows everything changes', and the musicians of the group came and went at a cosmic speed. On those fine and careless days the founder and ideological leader of the group 19-year-old Vlad Listkov had just learned how to play guitar more or less decently. Agriculture played not the least role in his musical education. Being a first-year student, he was lucky to participate in a harvesting campaign in one of the kolkhozes. There he, mopping his brows and being torn between beds of beetroot and potato-field, he learned some guitar chords of 'The Beatles'' 'Yellow submarine'. Since that moment Listkov turned completely addicted to music and started composing. The first lyrical hero's master-piece sounded as follows: 'I am going to the dairy, we both lonely - you and me.'
  At one of the games of the local 'KVN' players the historical meeting of Listkov and Andrey Zakharov (Doctor) took place. The latter was presented as a passionate Jimmie Hendrix's fun. It happened that long-hired at that time Vlad had been baptized after that not-bad-known American by the experienced apologists of the local musical movement. So for the further communication the occasion was good enough. Zakharov and Listkov appreciated each other and at once composed several songs. That was the period when the triune unity of 'Dixi' formed. Inspired by the friends' trust a student of the Medicine Institute started learning to play the bass-guitar. Despite the absolute absence of the experience of playing the instrument, Andrey managed to succeed and overcame his diffidence, and even managed to surprise local aces. Since the very beginning he disclosed his distinct original style. Linar Valishin (Prokuror), who was a student of the law department at that time, became the third participant of those dangerous blues experiments.
  This period of the group's chronicle was illuminated with fame and popularity among musicians, young people and bohemians. University campus, the center of formation of the youth's souls and minds, was literally shaking with the trio's music. At the same time the city turned to be full with rumours and stories about its members. The four-letter word 'Dixi' was written on the walls and fences, celebrating the idols according to the best Russian traditions. That year the group had to move from one stage to another, reaping the laurels of their fame - a number of girl-fans, inspired with the passionate Vlad Listkov's blues roulades. Faithful to their duty fans (especially girls) were ready to kill themselves as well as spiteful critics. Rock session went one for another. The staff of the group was completed with one more musician - Seva Saradov (the keys), who studied at the same Institute as the group front-man Vlad Listkov.
  At one of the concerts the representative of 'Levis' Ravil Kaburov offered his help to the group, as their music struck his heart. The representative of foreign capital offered his service as a producer and promised his support in recording the album in one of the best studios in Moscow. His only condition was to rename the group 'Dixi' into 'Leaves of Grass' ('Listiya travy'). As far as the new name matched the leader's name perfectly fine, the musicians made up their mind to accept the offer. In addition, the offer contained a nice equivoque on the famous lines by Walt Whitman, which American hippies of 1960s-70s had accepted as their ideology: 'Sex, drugs, rock-n-roll'.


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