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  Kurban-Bairam is the most significant holiday for Moslems. The date of the holiday celebration is calculated according to the lunar calendar. Tatarstan Republic State Committee of Work and Employment annually establishes it in the working calendar. The holiday comes on the day of the completion of pilgrimage to Mecca.
  The holiday mythology goes back to a well-known Bible plot about Abraham's attempt to sacrifice his son Isaac's life as an offering to God. For Moslems, Kurban-Bairam (or Id al-adha) symbolizes validity of Mohammed's doctrine, which he received in revelation, as well as omnipotence and mercy of the Most High. It is one of the biggest holidays for people, who profess Islam. People beg their relatives for forgiveness for all bad thingse, give gifts, and go to the tombs of their ancestors. Believers glorify Allah and show their kind intentions towards people around them, including people of different religions. Any military actions and quarrels are stopped for the holiday period.
  In Arabic, Id al-adha or Id-al-kurban means the holiday of sacrifice (kurban). The major ritual action of Kurban-Bairam is a bloody sacrifice of an animal (usually, a ram or camel); this rite takes its origin from a cult of the ancient nomads-cattlemen who sacrificed animals to spirits of desert in order "to cajole" them.

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