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  The Ministries and State Committees of Tatarstan Republic

Pages: 1 2
  The State Committee of Tatarstan on Statistics
   The head: chairman Kandilov Valery Petrovich
   Address: 55 Kirov St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420021
   Phone: (8432) 929482
   Fax: (8432) 929482
   E-mail: gkstat@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
  Public Information Centre at the State Committee of Tatarstan on Statistics
   The head: Manager Bulatova Marzhan Gabdulhakovna
   Address: 36a Levobulachnaya St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
   Ph.: (8432) 926891
  The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Safarov Asgat Akhmetovich
   Address: 19 Dzerzhinsky St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420111
   Phone: (8432) 927543, 311304
   Fax: (8432) 369513
   E-mail: mvd@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
   Internet: www.mvdrt.mi.ru

  Ministry of Health of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Zyatdinov Kamil Shagarovich
   Address: entrance 5, Kremlin, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420014
   Phone: (8432) 927285
   Fax: (8432) 384144
   E-mail: mzdrrt@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
   Internet: mzdravrt.kazan.ru
  The Ministry of Land and Property Relations of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Vasiliev Valery Pavlovich
   Address: 26 Vishnevsky St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420043
   Phone: (8432) 642450
   Fax: (8432) 362771
   E-mail: gkiinf2@bancorp.ru, gkiinf1@bancorp.ru
  The Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Tarkhanov Ildus Gabdrakhmanovich
   Address: entrance 3, Kremlin, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420014
   Phone: (8432) 920726
   Fax: (8432) 920753
   E-mail: mkult@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
  The Ministry of Education of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Kharisov Faris Fakhrazovich
   Address: 9 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420111
   Phone: (8432) 929212
   Fax: (8432) 929351
   E-mail: mort@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
   Internet: www.kcn.ru/tat_ru/education/mno

  The Ministry on Affairs of Civil Defence and Extreme Situations of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Vlasov Valery Aleksandrovich
   Address: 50 Gubkin St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420088
   Phone: (8432) 763424
   Fax: (8432) 756754
   E-mail: mchs@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
  The Ministry on Affairs of Youth and Sports of Tatarstan Republic
   The head: minister Bariev Marat Mansurovich
   Address: 12 Sverdlov St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420107
   Phone: (8432) 643284
   Fax: (8432) 643270
   E-mail: gkddm@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
  The Ministry of Communication of Tatarstan
   The head: minister Zalyalov Rinat Giniyatovich
   Address: 8 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420111
   Phone: (8432) 927200, 367525
   Fax: (8432) 645142
   E-mail: root@mcrt.kazan.ru, mcrt@kabmin.tatarstan.ru
   Internet: www.mcrt.kazan.ru

  The Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of Tatarstan
   The head: assistant of the Prime Minister of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of Tatarstan Akhmetov Marat Gotovich
   Address: entrance 1, Kremlin, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420014
   Phone: (8432) 920382, 920509
   Fax: (8432) 920538
   E-mail: crop@bancorp.ru, mshp@kabmin.tatarstan.ru


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