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  Department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan

Pages: 1 2
  The department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan is a body assisting the President of Tatarstan in realization of external communications, state sovereignty of Tatarstan in sphere of international relations and coordinating the activity of the state bodies of Tatarstan in international relations.
   The department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan is to carry out and coordinate relations of the state bodies of Tatarstan with foreign states and international organizations.
   Duties are assigned to the Department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan on coordination and operative management of activity of all proxy and permanent missions of Tatarstan in other countries, international (interstate, intergovernmental) organizations, representations in subjects of the Russian Federation.
   All republican controls are obliged to inform when due hereunder the Department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan on carried out international activity and international communications: official and service trips abroad, visits of foreign delegations, consultations and negotiations, signed documents and arrangements.
   Besides the Department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan and Management of state report at Department of external communications of the President of Tatarstan are obliged to provide practical realization of the state report of Tatarstan by means of coordination of activity of the ministries and departments of Tatarstan, establishments and organizations participating in realization of international communications.
   Director Akulov Timur Yurievich
   9 Kremlin, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 420014
   Phone: (8432) 921949
   Fax: (8432) 927088, 920092
   E-mail: dfa@kremlin.kazan.ru
   Sector of Countries of Asia and Africa
   Head of the sector Galiev Khaidar Mukhametbakievich
   Phone: (8432) 928002
   E-mail: Galiev_H@kremlin.kazan.ru
   Coordination of external communications of Tatarstan with the countries of Asia and Africa. Assistance to enterprises and organizations of Tatarstan in contacts with state bodies of the countries of Asia and Africa. Preparation of visits of the President of Tatarstan in the countries of Asia and Africa. Coordination of visits to Tatarstan of delegations from the countries of Asia and Africa.


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