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  President of Tatarstan Republic

  The head of the state is the President of Tatarstan Republic who acts as the guarantor of personal right and freedom, the sovereignty of the republic, observance of the Constitution, other laws of Republic Tatarstan and international contracts, provides safety and territorial integrity of the republic.
  The President represents republic in the international relations, appoints and withdraws representatives in the foreign states and international organizations, makes contracts with foreign states.
  At elections of the first President of the Tatarstan Republic, held on March, 25, 2001, Shaimiev Mintimer Sharipovich was elected the President of Tatarstan Republic.
  Mintimer Sharipovich was born in village Anyakovo of present Aktanyshsky district in the family of hereditary peasants. Grandfather of M.S.Shaimiev - Shagimukhammet was strong, even prosperous peasant of average means. At the time of collectivization the grandfather got under dispossession, after that the family, not having home, poor and distressed, had to wander.
   The father of Mintimer Sharipovich - Sharif aga Shaimiev worked all his life in the agriculture (during 26 years was the chairman of collective farm).
   Mintimer Sharipovich's childhood was at hard for the country military and post-war periods. Qualities of the leader were showed even in the childhood. The future President of Tatarstan was a recognized authority among his friends, he was always elected a monitor in his school years.
  In 1990 M.S.Shaimiev was elected the Chairman of Supreme Soviet of TASSR. It was a crisis year in the relations of the republic with the federal Centre, year of acceptance by the Supreme Soviet of the Declaration on the state sovereignty of Tatarstan Republic.
  The new status of the republic demanded creation of institute of Presidency which was new to the republic. On June, 12, 1991, as a result of free elections, the first President of Tatarstan Republic - Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev was elected. March, 24, 1996 he was repeatedly elected the President of Tatarstan Republic.

The Kazan State Financial and Economical University
The Kazan State Financial and Economical University
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