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  Two parks to be restored in Kazan by day of city

   The reconstruction of children's park "Black lake' started in the spring of 2005, says the deputy of the manager of the trust "Gorvodzelenkhoz' Ilfat Gilmanov. 'We have removed many old and sick trees. We plan to complete the replacement of the enclosures and the repair of stairs, and its revetment by granite. We are also going to replace street lighting. Now in the park the pond has been cleaned and repaired, and strolling roads have been packed by tile. Moreover, the fountain disappeared five years ago will appear again in the Black Lake. Changes are to come to Tinchurin`s garden, which has been in lamentable state for a long time. Here the fountain will be reconstructed and put into operation. Instead of poplars Siberian larch, hawthorn, fir trees will be planted. Lawns and flower gardens will be laid out. 'We had to cut down more than 200 trees for this', says the workers of the trust. 'Of course, we listened many claims from the inhabitants, but we will plant the new trees, the period of life of which is 400 years. We work for the generations. By the way, the numerous requests of inhabitants made us leave the stand with the face of Lenin. For the memory. The path to it will be made. The work now is in full swing.

A Park
A Park
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