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Zulfat Khakim
Zulfat is a biting writer-satirist, who doesn't recognize any authorities, a disturber of souls. He is known as a poet, who writes deeply philosophical verses, and a bard, whose songs impress human souls, and force us to think.
Basyrova Zifa
Z.Basyrova began to sing in 1936, and by 1940 she was generally recognized as a performer of national songs. Together with a bayan-player Orkyya Ibragimova they organized a unique ensemble. They were the first performers of many tatar national songs on a stage.
Aidarov Sitdik
In 1912 he was given an audition and an actress, Gulsum Bolgarskaya, offered him to join their troupe "Sayar". First, he played on accordion and then he played some not very important roles. He performed on tour a lot.
Ibragimov Renat
Even studying at the 9th form Renat was invited to sing in the amateur pops orchestra of Kazan, and during 2 years he was a soloist there.
Klyucharev Aleksander
First of all, keenness on musical folklore became a basis of A.Klyucharev's formation as a composer. He is an author of large musical and scenic works of art (opera, ballet), symphonic, chamber music, and a lot of songs.
Nuriyev Rudolf
More than fifteen years Nuriyev was a star of the London royal ballet and was the constant partner of great English ballerina Margo Fontein. When they met, Fontein was 43 years old and Nuriyev - 24 years old, but their duet was, perhaps, one of the most brilliant for the last ten years.
Shalyapin Fedor
Shalyapin was a brilliant singer and a drama actor at the same time. His voice was unique on flexibility, timbre, gorgeousness and beauty of sounding and let him express all shades of emotions.
Yakhin Rustem
Yakhin always aspired to reproduce an individual manner of those composes he addressed to - S.Khakim, A.Erikeyev, N.Dauli. A melodic of Yakhin is closely connected to national folklore.
Yarullin Farid
During his student's years Yarullin had an idea to perform a ballet according to a G.Tukai fairy tale "Shurale". After graduation from the conservatory he worked at that ballet.
Zhiganov Nazib
His central direction of the activity turned out to be an opera because there were more opportunities to express a national theme.
Saidashev Salikh
Salikh Saidashev is one of the founders of the Tatar professional music.

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